Windpower Offshore

We are suppliers for the wind power offshore projects  


Ganain participates in some of the main projects developed in recent years for the European offshore wind sector. We are experts developing platforms, x-bracing knots, and manufacturing primary and secondary steel.

Ganaín participates in the East Anglia project, which Scottish Power develops in Scotland. The main contractors for this project are the companies Iberdrola, Navantia, Windar and Nervión. As an approved supplier for the manufacture of primary and secondary steel, Ganaín develops one of the most important components of the jacket structure: pipe nodes, built from of a high number of X-Bracing knots. In addition, we also made raillings and boatlandings.

Ganaín has also participated in the Debu Project supplying more than 60 inner and outer platforms for installation in monopiles. We built too the Magallanes Platform, which is currently being tested in Scotland. 

Ganaín developes platforms, x-bracing knots, and manufacturing primary and secondary steel
Any further information about windpower offshore projects? Send us a message now.